177 research outputs found

    Kesehatan Pariwisata: Aspek Kesehatan Masyarakat di Daerah Tujuan Wisata

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    A series of aircraft accidents in the past three years exposedserious safety problems in Indonesian civil aviation. Latestaviation accident investigations reported that flight crews weremainly responsible for two major accidents happened in 2007.This indicates that occupational health and safety (OHS) is anintegral part of civil aviation. Improvement in OHS system wouldthen contribute to the development in Indonesian civil aviationsafety in general. This paper seeks to present applicable OHSdesigns in Indonesian civil aviation by carefully consideringlocal situations, current problems and their determinants.Furthermore, ideal designs based on literature reviews andgood practices in some developed countries were examinedto show the main principles and components needed indesigning a civil aviation OHS system.Keywords: OHS system, civil aviation, IndonesiaABSTRAKSerangkaian kecelakaan pesawat udara dalam tiga tahunterakhir telah menunjukkan masalah keselamatan yang seriusdi dunia penerbangan sipil Indonesia. Dari hasil investigasiterbaru, kru penerbang dilaporkan bertanggung jawab terhadapdua kecelakaan maut yang terjadi tahun 2007. Hal inimengindikasikan bahwa kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3)merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam penerbangansipil. Perbaikan dalam sistem K3 akan memberikan kontribusidalam peningkatan keselamatan penerbangan sipil di Indonesiasecara umum. Tulisan ini menunjukkan desain K3 yang bisaditerapkan di penerbangan sipil Indonesia denganmempertimbangkan situasi lokal, permasalahan saat ini danfaktor-faktor penentunya. Lebih jauh, desain yang idealberdasarkan studi kepustakaan dan praktik-praktik yang baikdi beberapa negara maju dianalisis untuk menunjukkan prinsipprinsipdan komponen-komponen utama yang diperlukan dalammerancang sebuah sistem K3 penerbangan sipil.Kata Kunci: sistem K3, penerbangan sipil, Indonesi


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    With the enactment of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, where the implementation of government affairs by the Regional Government and DPRD according to the principle of autonomy and assistance tasks with the principle of broadest autonomy in the system and principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945. The Central Government expects a region it can regulate the needs in the region through regional autonomy, both district / city government affairs and village government affairs so that the resolution of all problems in the region can be quickly resolved by the regional government. In practice, it turns out that Law 32/2004 does not clearly discuss what are the government instruments in the village, so a Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 72 of 2005 concerning Villages was drafted again. In principle, this regulation contains several things, among others, which regulates village authority, village government institutions, village apparatus, village planning, and village finance. Performance (performance) is a picture of the level of achievement of the implementation of an activity / program / policy in realizing the goals, objectives, vision and mission of the organization contained in organizational strategic planning.Seeing from the problems and symptoms of the performance mentioned above, the author is interested in examining more deeply by taking the title "Analysis of Village Government Performance in Infrastructure Development in Renon District, South Denpasar District".Data sources: 1) Primary data, i.e. data obtained directly in Renon Village, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City, 2) Secondary Data, i.e. data obtained from recording official documents, books, and other readings that are can support the discussion of problems in this thesis. While the data analysis used is descriptive qualitative method which is a way of data processing which is done by systematically compiling so that a general conclusion is obtained.Based on some of the descriptions that have been submitted in Chapter IV on the Performance of Village Governments in Infrastructure Development in Renon Village, South Denpasar District, the following conclusions can be drawn:Village Government Productivity in completing Infrastructure Development in Renon Village, the village government really sees in terms of needs not wants, uses and benefits for the community is quite good.The responsiveness of the Village Government in accommodating and realizing the aspirations of the community, in capturing and following up on the aspirations of the community was considered to be good by realizing cooperation with each RT leader in Renon village to gather each RT's residents to explore the aspirations and complaints within the RT, to then be accommodated by the Renon village government.The Responsibility of the Village Government in supervising infrastructure development in the Renon Kelurahan, has supervised the infrastructure development activities that took place in each hamlet of the Renon kelurahan.Village Government Accountability in the form of Village Government Accountability Report (LPJ) to the community in the Renon Village is delivered in writing through information media at the Renon Village Office to the community through BPD and verbally through meetings in the village. Village Government Accountability in the form of Village Government Accountability Report (LPJ) to the community in villages in Renon Kelurahan is considered not optimal because the delivery is still verbally to the community through meetings in the village, there is no seriousness to make it in written form and then stick to the announcement board not yet implemented well in the village of Renon

    Efficient Motion Field Interpolation Method for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding

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    Wyner-Ziv video coding has the capability to reduce video encoding complexity by shifting motion estimation procedure from encoder to decoder. Amongst many motion estimation methods, expectation maximization algorithm is the most effective one. Unfortunately, the implementation of block-based motion estimation in this algorithm causes motion field profile bounded by granularity of block size. Nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation methods have already applied in multiview image coding to handle similar problem. This paper aims to evaluate performance of both interpolation methods in transform-domain Wyner-Ziv video codec. Results showed that bilinear interpolation effective only for high motion video sequences. In this scenario, it has bitrate saving up to 3.29 %, 0.2 dB higher PSNR, and 12.30 % higher decoding complexity compared to nearest-neighbor. In low motion video content, bitrate saving only gained up to 0.82%, with almost the same PSNR, while decoding complexity increase up to 10.32%. 


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    Penelitian akan selalu disertai dengan adanya data penelitian. Setelah memperoleh data hasil penelitian, maka perlu adanya analisis data hasil penelitian. Ketika peneliti dihadapkan pada analisis data hasil penelitian, seorang peneliti akan dihadapkan dengan permasalahan (1) penentuan pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan, hal ini akan berkaitan dengan jenis data yang akan diperoleh, dan (2) penentuan teknik analisis data yang akan digunakan, sehingga hasil penelitian dapat memberikan jawaban yang lebih akurat terhadap tujuan penelitian. Terkait dengan penelitian yang mengamati kecendrungan/trends terhadap peningkatan hasil/prestasi belajar, tidak terlepas dari pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif, karena data hasil penelitian berupa angka-angka atau data penelitian kualitatif yang dikuantifikasi/diangkakan. Analisis data untuk mengamati kecenderungan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil/prestasi belajar merupakan variabel yang dikuantifikasi dalam bentuk nilai persentase, dengan pertimbangan kesetaraan kedudukan variabel dalam persamaan regresi


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    Seorang pendidik atau guru diwajibkan memiliki sikap profesional dalam melakukan proses belajar dan pembelajaran. Hal ini merupakan tuntutan yang tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga sikap profesional itu diharapkan sesuai dengan prinsip pendidikan John Dewey untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan. Sikap profesional seo-rang guru akan dipengaruhi oleh situasi demokrasi pendidikan yang sedang berlangsung dilingkungan guru melaksanakan tugasnya. Seorang guru dikatakan profesional bila guru tersebut memiliki kualitas mengajar yang tinggi. Profesional mempunyai makna ahli (expert), tanggung-jawab (responsibility), baik tanggung jawab intelektual maupun tanggung jawab moral, dan memiliki rasa kesejawatan profesi. Guru profesional mela-kukan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan prinsip pendidikan John Dewey, dalam teori pragmatisme. Bila guru profesional telah melakukan tugas-tugas profesinya sesuai konsep pendidikan dengan instrumentalisme seperti dasar pengalaman (experience), pertumbuhan (growth), eksperimen (experiment), dan transaksi (transaction). Dalam pendidikan, terdapat demokrasi pendidikan yang ditunjukkan dengan pemusatan per-hatian serta usaha pada si anak didik untuk tumbuh dan berkembang menurut kodratnya. Dengan demikian tampaklah bahwa demokrasi pendidikan merupakan pandangan hidup yang mengutamakan persamaan hak dan kewajiban serta perlakuan yang sama di dalam berlangsungnya proses pendidikan antara pendidik dan anak didik, serta juga dengan pengeola pendidikan. Demokrasi pendidikan dapat dilakukan bila didukung adanya poli-tik pendidikan, dimana politik pendidikan (polpen) adalah metode mempengaruhi pihak lain untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Politik pendidikan juga berorientasi pada bagai-mana pendidikan dapat dicapai dengan bai

    Model Box- Jenkins dalam Rangka Peramalan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Provinsi Bali

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    Box-Jenkins Models in the Framework to Forecast Bali Province Gross Domestic Product. Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) is the most widely used indikator of development. In order to make development plan of an area with effective and responsible principal, it required a valid estimate of GDP. The presence of relatifly large gap between targets and achievements of the Bali Provincial economic growth during 2008-2012, and given the importance of GDP as an indikator of regional economic performance, it is necessary to do research on the application of Box-Jenkins models in order to forecast Bali Province GDP. This study aims to create a model of the Bali Provincial GDP estimates using data from the first quarter of GDP in 2000 to fourth quarter of GDP in 2012 with constant prices of 2000, which is sourced from BPS of Bali Province. The analysis technique is applied to the Box- Jenkins models or Autoregresive Integreted Moving Average (ARIMA).The results showed that by using the data of Bali Provincial GDP first quarter of 2000 to the fourth quarter of 2012, concluded that the best model to use as a forecast model is ARIMA (2,1,0). Keywords : GDP , Autoregresive Integreted Moving Averag

    The Use of Blended Learning in Teaching Reading

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    The advancement of technology, communication, and data, particularly the internet, has attracted the attention of Indonesian educators who want to use it as a source of positive learning media to support the teaching and learning process. This study aims to know the advantages of the use of Blended learning in English teaching reading skills. This literature study reviews some papers in studying the use of Blended learning and its advantages. The findings of this study showed blended learning provides many sources for the teacher and students to get the reading materials.  Due to the multi-sources in blended learning, it helps the students to develop their daily reading activity. Blended Learning can make students become active learners because the students can get other additional information from the internet during online learning it is effective to make the students enjoy the learning process and do not feel bored with the monotonous learning situation. And also, the virtual class has easy access anywhere and anytime in different places at the same time and also makes it easier for teachers to create archives in digital form. The findings of this study are expected to provide teachers with information about using Blended Learning as an approach in teaching-learning activities that will benefit both students and teachers in facilitating the teaching-learning process of reading

    Faktor Risiko Kelelahan pada Pengendara Ojek Daring di Jabodetabek dan Denpasar

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    Fatigue in motorists is a serious problem that causes traffic accidents and deaths every year, including online motorcycle taxi riders. Motorcycle riders contribute 72.7% to all injuries caused by traffic accidents in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the risk factors of fatigue in online motorcycle taxi riders based on demographic characteristics, job characteristics, and work stress. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 306 online motorcycle taxi riders in Jabodetabek and Denpasar between January and June 2018, which was selected by convenience sampling. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires and analyzed using multiple logistic regression with the forward LR method. The results showed that 68.1% of online motorcycle taxi riders experienced fatigue. The risk factors associated with fatigue in online motorcycle taxi drivers were work stress (AOR=3.66;95%CI=2.01-6.66), lack of physical activity (AOR=2.11;95% CI=1.27-3.51), duration of sleep <7 hours (AOR=1.73;95%CI=1.04-2.87), marital status (AOR=2.07;95%CI=1.18-3.64), and age <30 years (AOR=2.52; 95%CI=1.43-4.45). Meanwhile, the work area, nutritional status, rest duration, and other jobs were not proven to be related to work fatigue. Fatigue in online motorbike riders is associated with work stress, physical activity, sleep duration, marital status, and age, so preventive measures can be applied by considering these factors

    Antenatal Education to Support Triple Elimination Program: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study aims to describe cases of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis from mother to child and how the role of antenatal education in supporting the triple elimination program. This research was conducted using a systematic literature review approach. Researchers collected data from research articles that have been published in Scopus indexed international electronic journals. Data was collected using several keywords with the Google search engine and portals providing articles from Scopus indexed journals, such as ScienceDirect, MDPI, and NCBI. The data collected was then analyzed by researchers using an interactive data analysis model. The results of the analysis found that the implementation of triple elimination has been successfully carried out in various countries, although there are still various obstacles that must be faced in its implementation. Furthermore, several studies have also found that antenatal education has an important role in reducing the risk of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis from mother to child. So, it can be concluded that antenatal education is crucial to provide in order to support the triple elimination program to prevent cases of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis from mother to chil
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